Sunday, December 14, 2008

4 second action to stop PG&E - deadline Sunday

1) Click here:
2) V
ote "NO" to the "Daily Poll" question: "Should there be a countywide vote on the clean energy proposal?" 
3) Done.

Background from Eric:
The Marin Independent Journal is polling to see if there is support to force a countywide vote on Community Choice. A countywide vote would enable PG&E to do just what it did with Prop H in San Francisco, spending millions to kill clean energy through a ballot attack. The Journal will publish the poll results just before a Monday Marin County Supervisors vote on Community Choice in order to pressure them to accept a countywide vote. 

More Background in email below.

From: Sue Spofford <>
Date: December 13, 2008 1:31:33 PM PST
To: Sue Spofford <>
Subject: URGENT: Must Vote Today to Block End Run

Marin Clean Energy (MCE) Supporters:

We need your help right now with a quick but important action:  Go to and vote a resounding "NO" to the "Daily Poll" question, "Should there be a countywide vote on the clean energy proposal?"


You'll see the results being tabulated in real time (72 yes vs. 43 no, the last we looked).  They'll be published in Sunday's paper, and could provide a smokescreen for disrupting the MCE vote by the San Rafael City Council on Monday.


With that critical vote pending, it looks to us like the IJ and PG&E are attempting an end-run with the lead article in this morning's IJ rehashing the notion of a countywide vote on MCE and inviting readers to respond to the poll.


A few of the reasons why a countywide vote is such a bad idea:
  • It would allow PG&E, the IJ and other unprogressive voices (and their money) to dominate the discussion with sound-bite scare tactics, drowning out the careful deliberative process conducted by our elected officials with full public involvement for over a year.
  • It would cost taxpayers at least $1,000,000 to conduct the vote—and MCE supporters untold amounts to counteract the accompanying campaign of misinformation—at the worst possible time for such wasteful spending.
  • MCE already provides for individuals to "vote" on their own participation in the program by staying with PG&E if they choose to.
We need to stop muddying the waters—and get on with clearing the air!  

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